About Our Community
B’nai Yisrael is a local Messianic community located in Temple, Texas. It is our hearts’ desire that we represent as a family caring for each other; portraying servanthood in the Body of Messiah helping one another; and being excited to praise and worship our magnificent Father.
We have a hunger for His Scriptures and presence; we're
a unified community; and comfortable enough to feel a warm, heart-felt welcome in our surroundings. Our journey is walking out the Scriptures, and our desire is for people to be transformed into the character of Messiah Yeshua, through our daily walk. We know that some may be more advanced
in the Scriptures, but at the same time taking
into consideration those in the process of getting there.
Our quest as we await the return of Yeshua is having a willingness to change during our ongoing learning application of the Scriptures, and so that we can have a Hebraic culture that maintains balance and justice within the community.
We meet, as the body of Messiah, each week for Shabbat services. Our weekly service starts at 10:00 a.m.
and is immediately followed by a time of
Oneg communal gathering where each guest or group contributes a different, often homemade dish of food to be shared. We also take this opportunity of time spent together to study the weekly Torah portions.
All are welcome to join us!
Building a Community to Walk in the
Ancient Hebraic method, while identifying the Father’s
Will in Torah, and then following through in Obedience!
Vision: From our Father’s perspective,
Love is the most powerful motivator that compels one
to be transformed into the character of the Messiah.
In the Kingdom of the Father each of us is called to
“Make every effort to do what leads to
Shalom and to mutual upbuilding."